Distance Learning at Open Colleges Australia
Open Colleges (formerly Cengage Education) is one of Australia's leading
providers of distance learning. Established in 1910 as the International
Correspondence School, Open Colleges has educated more than 700,000 Australians.
Over our history, we have been pioneers of distance learning distance learning
in Australia. In contrast to most other education institutions, we have focused
on meeting the needs of adult learners through distance learning. We have
tailored our courses and support services to meet the needs of older,
independent learners with life experience.
Today, we deliver a comprehensive range of nationally recognised courses and
professional certificates to students across Australia - from Broome to
Bankstown. Our students come from all walks of life - from young professionals
to retired people seeking a new challenge.
Our course structures and learning materials give you ultimate flexibility. You
can start your course when it suits you and then study at your own pace. You can
choose to study online or by correspondence.
Our professional, experienced and supportive team of student support officers
and trainers and assessors ensure you get the support you need to complete your
course. At the same time, we understand that many of our students may not have
undertaken formal studies for some time. Our learning materials and support
services have been designed with this in mind.
Open Colleges Pty Ltd
ABN 61 000 011 692
NTIS Code 90796
Head office
Level 7, 280 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Open Colleges
PO Box 1568
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
1300 853 033 (inside Australia)
+61 2 9433 3655 (outside Australia)
1800 853 055 (inside Australia)
+61 2 9433 3666 (outside Australia)
http: //www.opencolleges.edu.au
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Open Colleges Pty Ltd
ABN 61 000 011 692
NTIS Code 90796
Head office
Level 7, 280 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Open Colleges
PO Box 1568
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
1300 853 033 (inside Australia)
+61 2 9433 3655 (outside Australia)
1800 853 055 (inside Australia)
+61 2 9433 3666 (outside Australia)
http: //www.opencolleges.edu.au