Study Communications
and Media
and Media in Australia
Author Jennifer Craic Griffith University
Are you interested in screen production... film... television... digital
media... Journalism... public relations... marketing... cultural industries?
Do you want a Job in one of the exciting industries within the rapidly
growing global communications industries?
Then why not study communications
in Australia?
According to the 1999 'Australia Good
Universities Guide to Australia Universities', "communications
are one of the most popular fields of study", with students attracted by
an image of the communications
industry as sassy: where1he action is". You can be part of it too!
Australia universities offer
c wide range of cutting edge undergraduate and graduate courses in
many aspects of communications and media. The emphasis is on balancing
practical and hands-on experience with analytical, presentational and research skills
to maximise the employment potential
of graduates. Studying communications,
in Australia is fun, rewarding and challenging!
More than 50 universities offer courses
and subjects in communications, in response to overwhelming and growing
demand by almost 9,000 students, 1,000
being international students from many
different countries. Courses cover a
range of specialisations:
- advertising
- creative writing
- cultural policy
- cultural studies
- desktop publishing
- film and media studies
- marketing
- mass communications
- media policy
- media production (including film, television, video, digital media, radio)
- performing arts
- photojournalism
- print and electronic journalism
- public relations
- theatre
Australia universities have been specializing in this area since the 1970s, drawing
on innovative research, theories and practical applications from Europe and North
America. More recently, Australia universities have oriented their
courses to reflect the growth of communications in Asia, Africa and the Pacific.
Australia communications
courses are internationally
recognised as leaders in the
field. Because communications courses are in demand,
entry is competitive. The universities that are most sought
after include: University of Technology, Sydney; Griffith
University (Brisbane); Curtin
University (Perth); Queensland University of Technology -(Brisbane); Swinburne
University of Technology (Melbourne); and University
of South Australia (Adelaide).
Students' satisfaction with their courses is enhanced by
opportunities to undertake
work experience, make contacts through industry placements and become involved
with alternative, community
and interest group communications and media. Graduates in communications enter
a wide range of occupations
and careers in many industries and sectors. Due to the
nature of the industry, jobs
are often short term or con-
tract jobs rather than full
time employment. Jobs are
found in film and television production, new and digital
media, journalism, government/advocacy, cultural industries (e.g.
museums/galleries/libraries), public relations and marketing, teaching and training, and re-
search and measurement.
Graduates with practical
production skills find careers in all aspects of the industry/including direction,
scriptwriting, camera, lighting/editing, digital
compositing and sound. Journalism graduates find
opportunities in mainstream
print and electronic media
production and presentation/as well as in local and
specialist media, public relations/government and corporate sector. Frequently, .
graduates pursue further
study to hone their skills and
specialise further.
Author Jennifer Craic
School of Film, Media and Cultural Studies
Griffith University

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00 617 3875 7111