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Best Career Colleges in Canada

Academy of Learning Canada

Academy of Learning is Canada's largest network of career colleges with over 60 campuses across the country. You may choose from a number of locations, depending on the region of Canada you wish to experience, and where you prefer to study.  Academy of Learning also has international locations in Australia, India and New Zealand.


Since the college opened in 1987, more than one million training courses have been taught to individuals interested in developing and upgrading their professional skills.  We attribute the growth of our success by identifying the gap between the formal education available and the realities of the working world.  We fulfill the needs of learners by developing customized programs for each student while meeting the requirements for convenient and effective training at an affordable cost.

The Academy of Learning system offers a unique approach to learning for its students, shifting away from teaching in the traditional lecture format to an on-site, facilitated, learning-by-doing method.  This unique approach to training allows Academy of Learning to offer not only short effective certificate courses but also comprehensive vocational diploma programs.  Flexible scheduling is possible using this systematic method of learning.  Course enrolment is continuous; therefore, students can begin learning immediately and applying their newly developed skills.

Instruction is primarily through the Integrated Learning System (ILS), involving audio-visual presentation, proprietary course books, and competency-based exams. All program and course content is developed under the direction of the Academy of Learning Academic Division.

Today's Academy of Learning augmented e-learning system is a quickly growing extension of the Integrated Learning System.  This allows internet-based delivery for Information Technology programs, such as the MCSA and MCSE certification preparation programs, to be taken at an Academy of Learning college.  The course content involves written material, online instruction, audio lectures, and simulated labs.  Books provided to students are official curriculum authorized by respective software suppliers, such as Microsoft.  Supplier certified trainers, as applicable, facilitate the courses online through e-mail, chat room, bulletin board postings, and telephone support, as required.  Academy of Learning staff supervise students' attendance, academic progress, and equipment and system access.  This is achieved through the courseware, labs, and certification exams.  Technical support is provided as required.  Students' online progress is recorded and quizzes are provided for each module to offer students feedback on their learning.

Various Academy of Learning colleges offer programs targeted at health services careers.  This is delivered in the traditional lecture driven format, but also contains ILS and/or e-learning courseware.

A student may transfer course credits from one Academy of Learning college to any other Academy of Learning college across Canada.  Academy of Learning also has agreements with University of Phoenix, Meritus University, University of Windsor and Athabasca University where graduates may apply Academy of Learning credits towards a degree program.

Many students obtain work in their area of training before they graduate as a result of the core skills obtained and the desire to continue their studies.

Academy of Learning has thousands of graduates working in their chosen careers!

Entrance Requirements

Enrolment in a Diploma program requires successful completion of Grade 12 (or equivalent). Special entry provisions may be available for mature students with industry experience.

If English is not your first language, an English proficiency at a minimum of TOEFL 525 for diploma level program is required. Students may be required to undertake an English language entry examination prior to entering a Diploma program.

Our Vision

Academy of Learning will always be recognized as Canada's most effective and respected college, providing career, business and computer skills.

Our Mission

Respondto the dynamics of the ever-changing market with the most relevant, up-to-date solutions for our clients.

Demonstratea constant commitment to student success and employability.

Creativelymeet each client's specific requirements through the flexibility and customization of our Integrated Learning System.

Provideadvice and treat each client with care and sensitivity.

Maintainvisible and meaningful partnerships with our communities.

Ensurethe Integrated Learning System remains the most up-to-date, effective learning process.

Strive to meet the highest standards for quality training products, service, and delivery.

Createopportunity for growth and success of Academy of Learning.

Our Pledge to Students

We will:

Meetyour individual training needs.

Demonstratea genuine concern for your career success.

Improveyour productivity and marketability.

Providea high quality learning experience.

Excelin the delivery of superior career, business and computer skills training.

Providea warm and friendly learning environment.

Employ caring, professional and knowledgeable staff.


Academy of Learning believes that support is the key to success in a friendly, accessible and professional environment that is conducive to competency-based learning.  This is sustained by way of relevant curriculum, ongoing research and development, up-to-date equipment, a facilitated learning process, and a network of colleges with consistent standards all of which are supported and assisted by a team of staff who are located in the Vancouver, BC and Richmond Hill, ON Regional Offices.


All Academy of Learning colleges are registered with their respective governing Provincial Authority in Canada.  Academy of Learning colleges are members of their respective Provincial Private School Associations with many being members of the National Association of Career Colleges in Canada. 

Academy of Learning has received awards over the years from several newspapers in the category Best Private Career College.  In addition, the Consumers Choice Award for Business Excellence has been awarded to Academy of Learning colleges in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, and Toronto.

Academy of Learning
Western Region Office
300-1221 Lonsdale Ave.
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 2H5
Telephone: 604 987 4277
Fax: 604 987 4213


http: //


Academy of Learning
Western Region Office
300-1221 Lonsdale Ave.
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 2H5

Telephone: 604 987 4277
Fax: 604 987 4213

