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AIST - Applied Institute of Specialised Training

Paraparaumu, New Zealand



School Introduction

Welcome to AIST.

We are a friendly centre located on the beautiful Kapiti Coast of New Zealand.
Kapiti is 40 minutes from Wellington, New Zealands capital city, and also one of the most stunning regions of NZ. You will enjoy a wide range of activities and nature while you live and learn in the friendly local community.

You can benefit from our small classes lead by qualified and experienced teachers.
Courses are available in English, Hospitality, Tourism, Computers, Business, Retail and Aged Care.

In addition to our courses we provide a full range of student and pastoral care and advice.

Our modern school is located close transport, cafes, retail stores and activities.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

ESL Program Introduction

Our courses will provide you with a solid knowledge of English and offer you the opportunity to develop your professional skills in hospitality, tourism, journalism, travel, retail, business, computing, and aged care.

All our courses are professionally developed and student focused, and come with approval of the NZQA, the quality assurance agency for the New Zealand Government.

You are able to study English while also studing another subject area.
Students of any English language ability qualify to join our courses, no IELTS, TOEFL or TOIEC mark is required.

Background Data

Schedule & Fees

Induction and Welcome Programme: NZD$200
Includes Airport Pickup and Accommodation Approval & Placement

Course Tuition Fees: NZD$395 per week
For all Foundation, Certificate and Diploma courses

Pastoral Care Fee: NZD$20 per week
Includes 24 hour contact support person, student advisors and activities programme.

Accommodation Fees: NZD$180 per week
Includes Furnished room, Breakfast & Dinner.

Special Courses & Features

Housing/Accommodation Info

We provide accommodation with New Zealand Homestay families and also offer furnished apartments and homes located near to the school.

Contact Info

AIST - Applied Institute of Specialised Training
Shawn Manders
Coastlands Parade
Kapiti Coast
PO Box 7473
Wellington 6039

+64 4 803 3603
