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Let's English

Auckland, New Zealand



School Introduction

Let's English is an English Conversation School located in Auckland, New Zealand. We offer private or group lessons at our school or anywhere in the Auckland region. Lessons are available to students of any age and level at a time of their choice. All our teachers are KIWI and have experience teaching both in New Zealand and overseas. We use our own material and design a curriculum to suit each individual student. Students will enjoy the flexibility that we offer.

ESL Program Introduction

Let's English puts each student into 1 of 5 levels. Levels range from absolute beginner to Advanced and students are given a free assessment to determine which level they will start in.

Once in a level, students are able to choose the lesson topic for each lesson from an extensive list.

Students will stay in a level untill they show the ability to progress to the next level.

We also offer, Business English, Exam Preperation, and Kids Classes.

Background Data

Schedule & Fees

Fees are calculated on a per lesson basis.

The first lesson is free. This is an assessment lesson to determine your level of English, and to give you a demonstration lesson.
Private lessons cost $35 per hour (if done at our school) or $40 (if done at your house/school).

So, for example, an 12 week course (4 lessons per week)would cost $1, 680.

Group lessons cost $25 per student. You can have a group lesson with friends or other students. If it is not possible to schedule a group lesson, students will have to take a private lesson.
Kids Lessons cost $30 per student. These classes are held on Saturday from 10am to 11am for 5-9 year olds and 11am to 12 pm for 10-12 year olds.

Special Courses & Features

Contact Info

Let's English
3/15 Bishop Lenihan Place
Botany Downs

