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English Language Matters

Dunedin, New Zealand



School Introduction

English Language Matters is an award-winning, vibrant English language school situated in the heart of the city-centre of the historic city of Dunedin in the South Island of New Zealand - an excellent location to study English. Renowned for our unique family atmosphere, we offer a wide range of English language courses to students from around the world.

Accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), we are a private school, with experienced, qualified and friendly staff. Students can chose to study full-time or part-time depending on their situation. Our students range in ages from 15-60 years old, and are from many different countries and cultures.

English Language Matters offers a variety of courses, from English for Communication through to Academic English, Business English, IELTS and TESOL. Our courses cater for a wide range of English language needs but can also be tailored to the individual needs of students.

ESL Program Introduction

English for Communication Studies:
Certificate in English for Communication (NZQA accredited course: level 3):
This course has been specifically tailored for students who want to improve their ‘street’ English. There is a focus on everyday language used in popular media and in general everyday interactions with native English speakers. Class time will focus on communication in Western cultures so that you can confidently work, study or play in your chosen environment. Discussions will be facilitated by English Language Matters’ excellent teachers to improve your vocabulary, confidence and English language skills. English for Communication Studies is an excellent pathway to real-world communication.

English for Academic Studies:
Certificate in English for Academic Studies (NZQA accredited course: level 3):
This course teaches you the English language skills you will require to perform successfully in the tertiary sector, with a focus on reading, writing, speaking and listening. Learn the language and techniques required to succeed in IELTS, TEFOL; and Cambridge examinations. You will be given the opportunity to practice IELTS interviews to develop confidence and prepare for exams. An intermediate level of English is required for a student to enrol and benefit from English for Academic Studies.

High School Preparation Studies:
Certificate in Communication Studies:
English Language Matters welcomes younger students to our school to prepare them for attending high school in New Zealand. Course content includes intensive English, NZ culture, research and report writing skills. Students will learn grammar in a natural context with appropriate textbooks and materials. Students will learn to speak confidently with native English speakers who visit the class weekly and talk in small groups. At English Language Matters, students will gain the skills needed to assimilate into the New Zealand high school environment and feel confident in this new society.

Private English Lessons / One-to-one English Tuition:
At English Language Matters, private English language lessons are always available on request and will be tailored to your specific study requirements. Once your level of English is established and outcomes understood, a programme will be developed specifically for you, whether it is Business English, preparation for an IELTS exam or High School studies. All private classes are NZ$75 per hour.

Further English Courses:
- After-school / evening IELTS exam preparation classes
- Private remedial literacy therapy (for native/non-native English speakers)

Background Data

Schedule & Fees

Starting Dates:
Any Monday throughout the year (excluding between the 23rd of December and the 3rd of January).

Full-time courses: $350 (NZD) per week
Part-time mornings: $240 (NZD) per week
Part-time afternoons: $160 (NZD) per week
Private tuition: $50 (NZD) per hour

Administration and enrolment fee: $220 (NZD)

Homestay (optional): $224 (NZD) per week
Homestay placement fee: $200 (NZD)

Special Courses & Features

Contact Info

English Language Matters
Level 2, Evan Parry House
43 Princes Street
New Zealand

(+64) 3 471 7257
