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US Edu Consult Kathmandu English Schools

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Address: Opposite US Embassy, Nabil Galli, Maharajgunj-03, Kathmandu, Bagmati, 44600, Nepal


US Edu Consult is an education and career consultancy based in Kathmandu, Nepal with its partner office in Chitwan, Nepal. We are officially authorized by the Government of Nepal to provide consultancy services for the benefit of students who desire higher education in the USA,  Australia, New Zealand, Canada and different other countries in the world.

Fax: +977-1472 0478

Ph: +977-1472 0483 | +977-1472 0385 | Skype: useduconsult

Principal Agent: Rabi Kiran Dhakal

Qualified Counsellors at US Edu Consult Kathmandu


Rabi Kiran Dhakal

ITAC 643 Badge thumb CCG 174 QEAC L435 Badge thumb USCG 37

Sanjeev Pandey

ITAC 739 Badge thumb CCG 349 Badge thumb USCG 41