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Auckland, New Zealand



School Introduction

Auckland - City of Sails is renowned for its beautiful harbours and its multicultural society. Many overseas students come to this beautiful city in New Zealand to study English.

Interlingua is a language school situated in Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand. We offer quality, private tuition and group lessons. We understand that the needs of every student are different, so we tailor our courses to suit their individual needs.

Benefits of studying at Interlingua are the flexible lessons so that the student can freely select the lesson time to suit their own schedule. The student can focus on what they really want to learn and they are able to select the emphasis of their studies and can tailor the content of their course

ESL Program Introduction

There is one to one tuition as well as small group lessons so that students can ask any question and converse as much as they like in the class.

There are speaking activities, listening comprehension, reading news material and written exercises. There are business English, medical English and travel English specialty courses as well as classes that focus on daily life in New Zealand

Background Data

Schedule & Fees

Starting Dates
Private lessons and group lessons are available all year round all days of the week except Sundays


The introductory lesson is free.The following lessons begin at NZ$25 per hour. Discounts available for group leessons.

Special Courses & Features

Contact Info

P.O. Box 28 504
Remuera, Auckland

64 9 630 2732
64 9 630 2732