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Bridge International College of English

Auckland, New Zealand



School Introduction

Bridge is a boutique government accredited school overlooking the harbour in downtown Auckland. We also have a campus focusing on older migrant students in suburban Epsom.

Our classes are multi-national with 6-9 students, our teachers are highly qualified, friendly and caring - you can visit our website to see their pictures and information in 9 languages.

We also provide for all your needs in New Zealand - from airport pickup to local homestays and activities. With a combination of excellent staff and facilities, and easy access in a family environment, we guarantee fast results - plus lifelong international friends and a great experience.

ESL Program Introduction

Courses include General English, Communication Skills, Business English, Cambridge and TOEIC. For full detail in 9 languages, see our website.

Background Data

Schedule & Fees

General English: start any Monday (except closed for the weeks including Christmas and New Year);
IELTS, Business English, Cambridge, TOEIC: start dates:
8 Nov 04; 2005: 10 Jan; 21 Feb; 4 April; 23 May; 4 July; 15 August; 26 Sep; 7 Nov

Fees: full-time (25 hours weekly) 1-12 weeks $350; 13+ $330; morning only (15 hours) $260; afternoon only (10 hours) $160

Very special discounts available if you mention

Special Courses & Features

Contact Info

Bridge International College of English
Level 5, 67 Customs Street East, Downtown, Auckland City;
Level 1, 97 Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland

64-9-377 7884
64-9-377 7884