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Study English in Auckland

Study English with ACG and start building your bridge to success

One of New Zealand’s leading language schools, ACG English School delivers intensive academic English courses designed to meet the needs of our students. We aim to maximise student progress and achievement by equipping students with the English skills that best prepare them for further study.

Central location with excellent facilities

ACG English School is located at 345 Queen Street in central Auckland, near the University of Auckland, AUT University, ACG Senior College, ACG Yoobee School of Design and New Zealand Career College. The central location means easy access to public transport and a number of nearby accommodation options. The campus is fully equipped with modern air-conditioned classrooms, computer rooms, a student common room, a library and a cafeteria.

A choice of activities

A range of optional activities is offered outside of the school day to expand the experiences of ACG English School students in New Zealand.

Key facts:

·         ACG English School runs all year round and offers weekly intakes

·         Successful ACG English School students have guaranteed entry to all programmes offered by ACG 

·         The minimum age is 12

·         All ACG English School students receive an iPad free of charge for the duration of their course.* Students have access to course materials via the iPad.

·         Courses consist of 24 or 30 hours of lessons per week

·         The tutor system ensures that each student is given close individual attention

·         All teachers are fully qualified and registered with the New Zealand Teachers’ Council, which means they are approved by the Council to teach in New Zealand schools

·         Full written reports are issued each 12-week
cycle in addition to tutor feedback and progress reporting to students

·         A wide range of student services is offered, including further study advice, online visa extensions and medical & travel insurance.


ACG – Academic Colleges Group

Contact info:
Phone: +64 9 307 5399
Fax: +64 9 377 7125
Address: 345 Queen Street, Auckland


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ACG – Academic Colleges Group

Contact info:
Phone: +64 9 307 5399
Fax: +64 9 377 7125

Address: 345 Queen Street, Auckland



ACG – Academic Colleges Group Prospectus



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