Christian Schools in Christchurch New ZealandAidanfield Christian SchoolAidanfield Christian School is an exclusive school in the south-west of Christchurch and we provide educational opportunities for students from 5 to 15 years of age. We welcome pupils from many nations to our school and we have a community that encourages enjoyment and appreciation of the strengths and differences that each of us bring to our lives together. Strong academic programmes ensure that over 85% of our pupils are at or above national expectations in reading, writing and mathematics. Our values of Excellence, Faithfulness, Integrity and Stewardship guide our approach to teaching and learning and we take great delight in seeing each of our pupils succeed. We teach from the New Zealand National Curriculum. We are focused on an excellent standard of learning for all our pupils within a context of strong biblical values, family involvement and an emphasis on knowing all our pupils well. ‘Grow in Wisdom and Stature, Stand and Be Confident’ is our motto. We want our pupils to stand and be confident in the communities they will take their place in. We believe that education is a lot more than just learning facts and figures, or training for employment. The truths of God’s word address all areas of life and impact on our response to each child, be it; spiritual, academic, physical, social or emotional. We aim for our pupils to grow in wisdom and in stature as they develop knowledge and skill that will carry them into the future. We welcome pupils from many nations to our school and, in doing so, we have a learning community that encourages enjoyment and appreciation of the strengths and differences that each of us brings to our lives together. Our primary years programmes develop into the middle years programmes seamlessly and progressively prepare pupils to do well in any given year while developing them to cope with the years ahead. We believe that our school offers pupils the significant benefits of a local school with a strong community and family environment. Our pathway to Senior College (Year 11 – 13) at Middleton Grange School, with its specialisation for NCEA, givespupils who grow through our school the best of both worlds!I encourage you to explore the opportunities our school has to offer and to contact us if there is anything you wish to discuss. We look forward to your call.
Christian School
Nash Road, Halswell,
New Zealand
Telephone: 0064 (0) 3
338 8153
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Christian School
Postal address: 2 Nash Road,
Halswell, CHRISTCHURCH 8025
Website: http://www.aidanfield.school.nz
Aidanfield Prospectus
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