Dannevirke High SchoolDannevirke High School Contact Phone: 06 374 8302 Contact Person:
Sue Holdaway, International Education Administration and Support Contact Email:
dis@dannevirkehigh.school.nz School address: Grant Street,
PO Box 23, Dannevirke 4942 Website:
www.dannevirkehigh.school.nz Years of entry for international
students: Years 9 to 13 Co-educational secondary school Programmes: From ten weeks
to five years School Profile: Dannevirke High School was founded in
1903 and is situated in Southern Hawkes Bay in the North Island. The school
occupies 12.78ha of land and the campus includes classrooms, administration
block, gymnasium, swimming pool, computer suites, assembly hall, music and drama
suites, library and technology facilities. The school has 7.36ha of playing fields and is renowned for its attractive
grounds and environment. Dannevirke High School has a proud
tradition of academic, sporting and cultural achievement. Traditional school
values of respect, courtesy and excellence, together with a modern curriculum,
quality teaching and a knowledge of new information technology is what we offer
our students. The school community is multicultural
and has a tolerance and knowledge of different customs and cultures and the
ability to work with people from around the world. International Students have
been attending Dannevirke High School since 1990. We value the contact with
other cultures. Their contribution on the school campus enhances its
multicultural character and broadens the experiences of our local students.
Application Process:
Tuition Costs for International
Students $14,375.00 per annum, GST inclusive. International Student Accommodation
Sports and extra-curricular
activities Dannevirke High School has beautiful
grounds with extensive sporting fields. The school enters sports teams into a
wide range of interschool competitions, with a Sports Co-ordinator who has a
vital role in encouraging and organising activities throughout the year. Students are encouraged to get involved
in sport for the development of their physical well-being, team skills,
competitiveness, self discipline, commitment and fair play. Students participate in numerous
sporting codes, subject to availability. These include Rugby, Hockey, Tennis,
Multi-Sports, Netball, Bowls, Canoe Polo, Basketball, Squash, Athletics,
Cricket, Touch Rugby, Soccer, Equestrian, Golf, Cross Country, Swimming,
Badminton. There are also other sports and
activities offered within the community, including Tae Kwon Do, Dance, Tramping,
Thai Kick Boxing, access to a well equipped gymnasium and a heated swimming
pool. Dannevirke High School has a vibrant
Drama Department and Music Department. Students are encouraged to perform in
school productions, talent quests, concerts and recitals within the community.
Tuition for a range of instruments is available and the school provides students
with the opportunity to sit Music theory examinations. The School Kapa Haka Maori Cultural
Group performs regularly throughout the year. Student Support Services and
Programmes Dannevirke High School is based on the
simple concept of respect for all and high expectations. This is achieved with
the support of the following:
Features of the Local Area Dannevirke is a caring, rural community,
situated 40 minutes from the nearest major city. A wide range of outdoor activities are available, including mountain
climbing and river kayaking. World class ski fields are less than 2 ½ hours
away. White sand beaches are a one hour drive away. Dannevirke is an epicurean
centre of good food. For more about our community see
www.dannevirke.net.co. Dannevirke High School Contact Phone: 06 374 8302 Contact Person:
Sue Holdaway, International Education Administration and Support Contact Email:
dis@dannevirkehigh.school.nz School address: Grant Street,
PO Box 23, Dannevirke 4942 Website: www.dannevirkehigh.school.nz
Dannevirke High School Contact Phone: 06 374 8302 Contact Person:
Sue Holdaway, International Education Administration and Support
Contact Email:
dis@dannevirkehigh.school.nz School address:
Grant Street,
PO Box 23, Dannevirke 4942 Website:
Request Information: