Institute of Technology New Zealand
Live Your Dreams with EIT
Hawkes Bay
Many people have reaped the rewards of a quality education at EIT
over the last 25+ years. The Institute offers an extensive range of
programmes. There are now more than 100 programmes offered at
postgraduate, degree, diploma and certificate level, across an
impressive range of subject areas in four faculties:
- Faculty of Applied Science, Business & Computing
- Faculty of Humanities, Arts & Trades
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Faculty of Maori Studies Te Manga Maori
EIT programmes combine practical skills with a sound theory base.
Many can be studied on a full-time or part-time basis so there is an
increasing opportunity to earn while you learn. Open Entry courses
enable people who dont have academic qualifications or dont feel ready
for a higher level of study, an introductory pathway to achieving a
fulfilling career.
Hawkes Bay offers an excellent lifestyle & plenty of sunshine, with
a variety of restaurants, cafes and wine trails. The choice of
entertainment options is extensive, with plenty of outdoor adventure
activities available. Compared with bigger centres, Hawkes Bay has
another key bonus: stress-free commuting. With only a 15 - 20 minute
commuting time between Napier and Hastings, congestion on the roads is
virtually unheard of in this region. Studying at EIT also means that
accommodation and travel costs are lower, compared with other provincial
English Language Courses
Orientation to study at EIT and living in New Zealand takes place at
the beginning of every course. All students receive a certificate of
completion at the end of their study.
General English Programme
The General English programme is designed for students who wish to
improve their communicative English and/or prepare for later certificate
or diploma level study. Classroom work is based on a communicative
approach using the latest international theories and research.
Students enjoy language experiences such as community visits, sport,
guest speakers and a language laboratory.
The programme provides a good basis for improving students language
level prior to taking TOEFL, TOEIC or Speech New Zealand exams.
For more information on English Language Courses
click here
Hawkes Bay NZ

The cities of Napier and Hastings together comprise the fifth largest
urban area in New Zealand.
They are sophisticated modern cities, yet rich in tradition with Art
Deco and Spanish Mission architecture creating a special character.
Surrounding the cities is a rich, productive region known for
award-winning wine and tourism activity.The climate is compared by many to the south of France and Italy. Its
not just the weather! Where else in the world can you be on the coast,
but surrounded by mountains?
There are numerous things to see and do in Hawkes Bay when needing a
break from study. Throughout Hawkes Bay many places have their own
personality and style. You can sit at a caf on the street and watch the
world go by, or take in the countryside and try some local delicacies.
The region offers a wide range of cuisines from international
delights to the freshest seafood or the biggest steak. You can then move
on and party the night away, snuggle up next to an open fire in winter
or enjoy the warm summer evenings. For sports and leisure activities,
whether its as a spectator or a player. Hawkes Bay has a lot to offer.
EIT Student Residential Village (SRV) is a flatting
complex of twelve villas housing six students in each, including New
Zealanders and international students. Each person has their own
furnished bedroom with shared cooking, bathroom and lounge facilities.
Rooms in the SRV cost $130 per week plus $200 Bond.Student Residential Village Managers reside on site
Homestay with a New Zealand family is recommended for
students studying English so they can "practice" their English in their
living situation. A family environment also eases the adjustment of
living in a new country with different food, language, customs etc.
For more Information
Student Services
The Eastern Institute of Technology offers a wide range of support
services to enable to you to make the most of your tertiary study
We offer an ongoing Careers Counselling Service, a Learning Skills
Centre for individual and group assistance, a Disability Liaison Service
provides a comprehensive range of services to ensure students have equal
study opportunities.
The Twist Library, named in honour of Tim Twist, a long serving EIT
Council Member and Chairperson, provides an extensive range of services
for study and research in a relaxed and friendly environment.
Many people who study at EIT have young families and take advantage
of the on-campus fully licensed Childcare Centre, (please note advance
bookings are essential). A bookshop provides stationery, textbook and
gift services, plus a whole lot more.
Private Bag 1201, Gloucester
New Zealand
Fax: 64-6-974-8905
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Last year EIT welcomed over 4oo
International students from more than 30 countries to study
English and academic programmes.
