Study at John McGlashan College New ZealandJohn McGlashan College is an integrated, Year 7-13, secondary school for boys. The roll comprises approximately 380 dayboys from Dunedin city and its surrounds and 110 boarders, most of whom come from rural Otago and Southland. In addition, up to 20 international students are enrolled each year.The College, established first as a private school, is named after Dunedins first lawyer, first session clerk of the Presbytery and the first provincial solicitor. John McGlashan was an important administrator who contributed significantly to the Scottish settlement of the city. In 1902, two of his daughters bequeathed their home for the purpose of establishing a boys school. It opened in 1919. In 1989 the College integrated into the state system. The Government now pays running costs and teachers salaries and a Board of Trustees governs the school. Parents elect five members of this twelve-member board. The buildings remain the property of the Board of Proprietors -officially, the John McGlashan College Presbyterian Trust Board. An important part of the Integration Agreement requires the school to define and uphold its Special Character. Amongst other things, this refers to a college-wide commitment to Christian values and the Christian tradition. Location John McGlashan College is located in the suburb of Maori Hill in Dunedin, a city of 120,000 and well known for its pivotal role in New Zealand education. It has a tertiary student population of 20,000. The College adjoins the Balmacewen golf course, and is less than two kilometres from the city centre. The school grounds extend over seven hectares and include rugby, soccer and cricket grounds, and tennis courts. Our school buildings are attractive, light and airy. They include modern teaching and administration blocks, a specialist building with an art suite, music studios and technicraft workshop. The well-stocked library is fully equipped with computers and internet technology. A large gymnasium is included on the campus. Values and Beliefs The fundamental aim is for our students to become well educated, well rounded men of character. We value educational and personal achievement, honesty, loyalty and hard work. We believe that every boy should be treated with respect and that we should teach and abide by the Christian ethos and principles. International Students John McGlashan College runs an International Student programme offering students an education in English. International students have been attending the College for over nine years and are an integral part of the school. On arrival, an assessment of the student is made and an appropriate specialist ESOL tuition programme is arranged for individual learners of English. John McGlashan College accepts enrolments from international students any time during the academic year. International Baccalaureate Diploma Year 12 pupils may opt to study for this prestigious, internationally recognised university entrance qualification. It is studied over two years and requires the students to study a broad range of subjects. It emphasises the importance of a global perspective and it avoids undue specialisation and allows students to develop the wide range of skills necessary to solve problems in a variety of contexts. Universities throughout the world recognise the IB Diploma. This includes all New Zealand and Australian universities as well as well known European and American institutions Oxford, Yale and the Sorbonne for instance. All New Zealand universities recognise the IB diploma. Application Speak to Mr Knopp or contact him on cknopp@mcglashan.school.nz. Visit the IB website at www.ibo.org
For full details on information for International Students
K. Michael Corkery
Phone: +64 3 467
Fax: +64 3 467
| John McGlashan College Building Foundations for Life Principal: K. Michael Corkery Address: 2 Pilkington Street Maori Hill Dunedin New Zealand Phone: +64 3 467 6620 Fax: +64 3 467 6622 Email: admin@mcglashan.school.nz Website: www.mcglashan.school.nz |