Kelston Girls' CollegeOver the years, Kelston Girls’ High School offered a clear choice of education for young women. It was and still is the only state secondary school for young women in West Auckland and has a strong tradition of excellence in academic, cultural and sporting endeavours of which students, staff and alumni are justifiably proud.The original wooden panelled corridors remain in some parts of the school, but much else has been modernised. The Arts rooms including a purpose built dark room for photography and a Music suite, the Food and Fabric Technology rooms, including a practice kitchen, for cooking and sampling food from other cultures, the upgrade of the school hall as a performing arts facility, the purpose built Hauora (Health) Centre are the latest developments in the School Board’s programme for continuous improvement of facilities. In 2004, Kelston Girls celebrated 50 years in existence. As part of planning for the next 50 years, the Board, in consultation with the community, decided to undergo a change of name. The school is now Kelston Girls’ College. Leadership opportunities are available for all students. The Student Councils meets weekly and the 80 plus representatives play a valuable role in the organisation for school activities. Trained Peer Supporters work with Year 9 students. Captains and coaches of sports teams receive leadership training. Students are invited to volunteer as buddies for visiting overseas students. Prefects receive leadership training and manage committees such as: Sports Committee, Student Council, Academic Committee, Environment Committee, Enterprise, Committee and The Arts Committee. Te Kotahitanga was introduced at the end of 2006 and under pins the philosophy of culturally appropriate and culturally responsive context for learning in the classroom, coupled with high expectations for teachers and students. Gifted and Talented programme. Kelston Girls’ College recognises through an extensive programme, that students may be gifted or talented, not only academically but also in other ways, such as culturally, in sport, and in relationship with others. After school study to 5.30pm is available with tuition from teachers and senior students. Food and drink are provided. One of the strengths of Kelston Girls’ College is its co-curricular programme.
• Sport • Debating • Environment • Talent Quest • Multi-cultural activities Kelston Girls' College Corner Great North Road and Archibald Road New Lynn Auckland 0602 New Zealand Postal Address: P.O. Box 15-798 New Lynn Auckland 0640 NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 9 827 6063 Fax: +64 9 827 3996 Email: international@kelstongirls.school.nz
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