International Schools in Christchurch New ZealandLiving and learning at Halswell
In New Zealand all schools must follow the New Zealand Education Curriculum. The vision is to develop young people who will be confident, connected, actively involved and life-long learners. The methods of teaching and learning see that all children are able to succeed to the best of their own ability and enjoy being at school. There is regular assessment to ensure that students are progressing in all subject areas and the teaching is making a difference to the learning. The Government sets National Standards of expected achievement for reading writing and mathematics. Parents must be informed about how their child is progressing. The learning areas that must be taught are
• English and languages Unique Halswell We are a Christchurch full primary school (age 5-13years) in beautiful peaceful but dynamic decile 10 area that is close to the city centre as well as the open green spaces and popular recreation areas. The location is very convenient and easy to get around by car, bus, walking or biking. The airport is 15 minutes away. There is an interesting retail and commercial area with a variety shops and cafes and a hotel with excellent accommodation. Halswell School reflects the importance our local community places on Education. Parents play a very important role in their child’s education and the governance of the school. The school has over 150 years of interesting history and tradition and is always a place that the local community are made feel welcome and are proud of. Our roll is usually approximately 560 students. Class size ranges from 15 to 28. Our students come from extremely kind and caring educated families where parents are actively involved in their child’s education. There is a special school culture of pride and wanting to participate and do well. A special feature is the close relationship between our younger and older students enhanced through a buddy programme. Halswell students are very well behaved and eager to learn. Halswell students excel in extra curricular activities and often participate nationally and globally. They are highly regarded in Christchurch and many are offered scholarships to secondary schools.
We have over 30 staff who are all highly qualified and chose to be part
of ongoing professional development of leading edge education. They are
all committed to ensuring the very best outcomes for all children and
love being part of a very collaborative team. There are many extracurricular activities at Halswell School to choose from depending on the time of the year. There are always sporting activities. Coaching is provided in soccer, rugby, basketball, golf, softball, tennis, swimming, hockey, volleyball, athletics, cross country ,triathlon, cricket, netball, jump jam and sports competitions. Music is a feature and there are many instrumental and choral groups and an orchestra as well as opportunities to learn to play a musical instrument and many performances. There also various groups to be involved in. The arts, culture, chess, environmental and gardening club, radio station, dance, drama, school leadership activities, additional languages including Mandarin and French and academic competitions are some of these options. Halswell is a popular area for families to live in. It has a very active well resourced community. There many more opportunities for adults and children to join recreational activities in the local community. Sports clubs (swimming, basketball, football, rugby, touch, and golf are very popular) music tutors, Taekwondo, dance, drama, ballet, art classes, youth groups, church groups, and more! There is a beautiful new library and community facility as well as a swimming pool. There are many sports clubs and groups to join. There are 2 large parks that provide wonderful outdoor spaces to explore and where special school and community events are held. Outstanding Learning Environment At Halswell School the teaching is in a brand new safe modern healthy environment that offers the best possible learning for success in the 21st century. The students have access to superb resources and the latest technology. The focus is on real learning and being actively involved.
There are vibrant well connected learning studios that allow
flexibility, easy access to resources and technology. There are
colourful quiet learning spaces for targeted teaching groups to support
individuals and group learning. Sheltered outdoor learning areas enable
seamless blending of indoor outdoor learning. We have a huge stadium for
school and community use as well as a school library, music studios,
technology centre and an International Student kitchen and work room.
The outdoors are interesting and designed for learning and playing. The buildings take advantage of using natural lighting and have effective temperature control , acoustically treated and plenty of fresh air so that all children and teachers can concentrate and be comfortable and achieve. Intermediate Age Our Year 7/8 programme is specially designed to prepare students for secondary school. The programme includes many in depth learning experience from specialist teachers with a focus on English, Maths and Science. Students at this level have additional extracurricular activities to develop confidence and leadership.
Coming to New Zealand for Year 8 allows the students a year to settle
into New Zealand life, gain an excellent practical knowledge of English
and make friends so the pathway to secondary school is an easy
transition. Internationalisation is a highly valued part of our school. We welcome and embrace opportunities to meet people from around the globe and the cultural diversity and friendships they bring. We have sister schools in several countries and are proud of our global links. Halswell is a Government approved provider of International Education. The Code of Practice sets rules and regulations that we must follow to host International Students. We also belong to Christchurch Educated and work with other educational providers to ensure a high quality experience as well as pathways to other excellent schools and study options for parents. Halswell School has an excellent reputation in New Zealand for the extra care they take of their International Students and families. International Students do very well at our school and have won awards and made highly valued contributions to our school. We have a small migrant population who are able to provide a friendly welcome to help new families settle as well as our school PTA group. Our International Director and staff have many years of experience helping and caring to ensure our International students and their families are happy and settling in well as well as supported in the classroom. Every student is special
At Halswell we are focused on improving the educational experiences of
all children. We provide high quality relevant programmes, and resources
that will support the diverse needs of our young learners. Halswell
children achieve at high levels by focusing on academic excellence. At Halswell we want to inspire every child to Imagine Believe Create and Succeed.
We do this by using our ACTIVE focus in all we do. Care Respect Honesty and Resilience underpin all that we do to honour our motto
Halswell School
1 School Road
New Zealand
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New Zealand