Students seeking entrance to a
postgraduate programme in the College of
Sciences must have the equivalent of a New
Zealand Bachelor degree. The following
postgraduate programmes are currently offered:
Bachelor Degrees with Honours
A one year full-time or
part-time degree advancing the major in the
first degree. Admission will normally require at
least a B+ average in the Bachelor major
Bachelor of AgriCommerce with
Bachelor of AgriScience with
Bachelor of Environmental
Management with Honours
Bachelor of Information Sciences
with Honours
Bachelor of Science with Honours
Masters Degrees
120 or 240 credit degrees
which may be available part-time or full-time.
Study is at an advanced level and most
frequently involves taught papers and a research
thesis. Students advancing to a Masters degree
after a Bachelor degree with Honours from a New
Zealand University may elect to do a one year
degree by thesis only. International students
may be required to undertake a postgraduate
diploma course in their intended major prior to
entering the masters programme. Admission
requires at least a B average.
Master of AgriCommerce
Master of AgriScience
Master of Applied Statistics
Master of Construction Management
Master of Dairy Science and
Master of Engineering
Master of Engineering Studies
Master of Environmental
Master of Food Technology
Master of Information Sciences
Master of Logistics and Supply
Chain Management
Master of Quality Systems
Master of Science
Master of Technology
Master of Veterinary Medicine
Master of Veterinary Science
Master of Veterinary Studies
Postgraduate Diploma
A course of study open to
graduates or to those who have been able to
demonstrate extensive practical, professional,
or scholarly experience of an appropriate kind;
comprising a coherent programme of not less than
one year’s full-time study (or its equivalent in
part-time study); which includes the requirement
that the courses or other work prescribed shall
be at an advanced level that builds on
attainment in the academic field of the prior
Postgraduate Diploma in
Postgraduate Diploma in
Postgraduate Diploma in
Construction Management
Postgraduate Diploma in
Postgraduate Diploma in
Environmental Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Food
Postgraduate Diploma in
Information Sciences
Postgraduate Diploma in Logistics
and Supply Chain Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Māori
Resource and Environmental Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Quality
Postgraduate Diploma in Science
Postgraduate Diploma in
Postgraduate Diploma in
Veterinary Clinical Science
Postgraduate Diploma in
Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Postgraduate Diploma in
Veterinary Public Health
Doctor of
A research degree requiring a
minimum of three years full-time or four years
part-time. Admission is considered for graduates
who have completed a Bachelor degree with at
least Second Class Honours (First Division), a
Masters degree with at least Second Class
Honours (First Division), or a Postgraduate
Diploma with Distinction. Candidates must also
have recognised research experience.
Doctor of Philosophy