Study Dentistry in New ZealandOtago University New ZealandThe School of Dentistry's excellent reputation and its proud international record for teaching, research, clinical and academic excellence are due to a committed, dedicated, and dynamic team. The School of Dentistry includes the following departments:
A major focus of the Department is research concerned with molecular oral microbiology, cell biology, orthodontics, community oral health, and dental materials. Stomatology Within the Department of Stomatology there are a number of disciplines, which include: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Radiography, Oral Pathology, Hospital Dentistry, Clinical Pharmacology, Sedation, and General Practice Dentistry. The main areas of research in the department are: Oral diseases and healing involving histological, immuno histochemical, ultrastructural and molecular biological techniques with a particular interest in human and experimental epithelial hyperplasia, preneoplasia and neoplasia and oral healing; basic and clinical research into salivary disease with respect to clinical management, pharmacological sialagogues and salivary substitutes in patients with glandular hypofunction; endodontic microbiology with particular emphasis on bacterial invasive mechanisms; clinical endodontics; clinical oral surgery; pain control; and clinical prosthodontic research. Application Walsh Building 310 Great King Street PO Box 647Dunedin Email Web
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