Study French and Italian
in New Zealand
University of Auckland New ZealandThe School of European Languages and Literatures at The University of
Auckland is considered to be one of the premier academic and
professional programmes in Australasia. Its solid reputation reflects
the breadth of its courses (some of which are the only ones offered in
those languages and cultures in the whole Pacific region) as well as the
many strengths in teaching and research found amongst its staff. The
School has about twenty-five full-time academic staff who have expertise
in most of the major European cultural and literary traditions, as they
embrace both Continental Europe and its former overseas colonies, span
medieval to modern periods, and include contemporary developments in the
Pacific region.
Distance teaching options (ITALIAN 166 and 167; FRENCH
161 and FRENCH 162) exist for beginners' and advanced beginners'
The Distance Learning courses are delivered via CD ROMs, the
internet, and printed material and have
the same academic value (credits) as the ones taken on Campus.
introduces students to a culture that has exerted a fascination much
greater than the size of the country alone warrants. People travel to
Italy to see the remnants of ancient Roman civilization, to visit
museums, galleries and churches displaying magnificent works of art
dating from the Middle Ages and Renaissance, to discover the origins of
modern European music and opera, and to savour the atmosphere of some of
the most beautiful cities in the world, including Florence, Venice, and
Course Description This course is 11 weeks long and is designed to introduce students to
the Italian language and culture basics as well as build students'
language learning confidence, enhance their communication and
problem-solving skills and facilitate the students' drive towards a
life-long language learning experience. The following expressions help
in describing this course:
- Distance: students who do not have access or time to attend
campus classes are able to enroll.
- Flexible: students can study at the time and pace that best suits
- Multi-media: video and audio clips and computer-mediated text
from a variety of sources provide students with examples of
authentic language.
- Interactive: course material is interactive and students also
have the opportunity to interact with peers and their tutor.
- Personalized: students will be in constant touch with their tutor
via e-mail and the feedback will therefore be prompt and detailed.
- Integrative: each unit builds on the previously learned language
and communication skills.
Online Discussion
The Online Discussion room is a place where you discuss class related
topics with other students and the tutor. Here you can add new items, or
comment on existing discussion items. This resource is very much one in
which what you put into it relates what you get out of it. Login to the
Chatroom regularly to check for special announcements or news or just to
talk to friends.
Click here for further course information
Course Info
Buongiorno e benvenuti e
benvenute al secondo corso di Parliamo, il corso di cyber italiano.
Spero che vi siate riposati abbastanza e che non abbiate dimenticato
tutto quello che avete imparato nel primo corso!Benvenute e benvenuti anche chi inizia direttamente col secondo corso di
Parliamo dopo aver studiato la lingua presso un altro istituto o
dopo aver preso lezioni private dalla stessa professoressa Vita! In questo corso continueremo ad usare il nostro solito libro, Adesso,
il materiale multimediale che vi viene recapitato in CD ROM e internet.
Useremo esercizi multimediali preparati specialmente per voi ed anche
materiale dal vivo, accessibile grazie a internet. Come gi sapete, imparare una lingua non facile e ci vuole molto
impegno e attenzione. Alla fine per, tutti i nostri sforzi vengono
premiati in modo adeguato, prima o poi andiamo in Italia e parliamo in
Italiano!Avete fretta di arrivare nel mondo della lingua e cultura italiana?
Via allora, cominciamo
Click here for further course information
is either the first or second official language in a
great many of the world's nations, and embodies rich and
diverse cultural histories. A leader in the spheres of
art and literature, science and technology, France is
also the fourth world economic power. The study of
French involves language acquisition as well as
knowledge and understanding of the culture, history and
literature of France and the French-speaking world.
Rewards from the study of languages and literatures are
perhaps greatest in the areas of personal growth and the
acquisition of abilities that make for informed,
flexible, independent and creative minds.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, in order to
obtain a pass grade, students must demonstrate a
competent working knowledge of language topics set out
in the course planner, up to and including chapter 5.3
in Deux Mondes. Students must be confident in
applying this knowledge to the four skills areas of
reading, listening, speaking and writing.
Click here for further course information
Description: This is a
four-skill course for students who have obtained the
equivalent of a pass in Sixth Form Certificate French,
in FRENCH 101 or 161. Students with a pass in Bursary
French, or equivalent, would normally enrol in FRENCH
103. Prospective students must have access to e-mail and
a CD-Rom drive. Students with a pass in 6th Form
Certificate French will need to contact the Department
to complete enrolment.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, in order to
obtain a pass grade, students must demonstrate a
competent working knowledge of language topics set out
in the course planner, up to and including chapter 11 in
Deux Mondes. Students must be confident in
applying this knowledge to the four skills areas of
reading, listening, speaking and writing. Those who have
not completed French 101 or 161 may need to revise
earlier chapters of the text. The Cliquez-ici !
CDRom programme for these courses may be purchased from
the department.
Click here for further course
School of European Languages and Literatures
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
Italian Courses
Franco Manai
Phone: (64 9) 373 7599 ext 87139
Fax: (64 9) 373 7483
French Courses
Deborah Walker
Phone: (064 9) 373 7599 ext 88311
Fax: (064 9) 373 7483
Email: |
| |
School of European Languages and Literatures
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019Auckland
New Zealand
Italian Courses
Franco Manai
Phone: (64 9) 373 7599 ext 87139
Fax: (64 9) 373 7483
French Courses
Deborah Walker
Phone: (064 9) 373 7599 ext 88311
Fax: (064 9) 373 7483
Email: |