Find an International School in Napier New ZealandTamatea High School New Zealand
Quality Education in a Modern,
Innovative, Co-Educational Environment
Tamatea High School is a multicultural school having had 17years experience in providing education and care to international students. It welcomes and values contact with other cultures. Welcome and thank you for your interest in Tamatea High School. This school offers students a wide range of opportunities and looks to offer the very best in education. Tamatea High School focuses on individual pathways and is responsive to each student’s needs. The small size of the school means that students retain their own personal identity and are not lost in the crowd. The co-educational environment reflects that of the wider community and, as such, for many students is a more natural learning environment. Students attending this school benefit in a number of ways. The students are well known to each other and to the staff. This safe environment is a lot less daunting, certainly for younger students entering secondary school education for the first time. To assist with this transition to secondary school, Year 9 classes will be of 25 students or less. The Junior Diploma which operates at Year 9 and Year 10 encourages students towards success and rewards them for their successes. It allows students to gain credits for their achievements and work towards an end of year Diploma. This reflects the assessment methods of NCEA in the senior school. The Junior Diploma, which operates at Year 9 and Year 10, encourages and challenges by offering Merit and Excellence awards for those students excelling in any particular unit of work. There is also the opportunity to gain a Merit or Excellence diploma for above average or outstanding performance across the curriculum. The school is entering an exciting phase of modernisation and development of facilities and buildings. The library is being transformed into a modern information centre that will be the hub of the school. There will be modernisation of classrooms and upgrades of toilet blocks and offices. Upgrading of the auditorium and science laboratories are also planned. These improvements will provide our students with facilities of the highest standard. It is the aim of Tamatea High School to be a community school: to develop relationships with our community, to be welcoming and inclusive of parents and to build our relationship with local organisations and businesses. At Tamatea High School our young people are given a great many opportunities to develop and pursue their interests and passions. I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss what Tamatea High School can offer your son/daughter. International Students Tamatea High School, Established in 1975, aims to deliver personal excellence in a Modern, Innovative, Co-educational environment Location and Facilities Tamatea High School is situated in sunny Napier, a seaside city with a population of 57,800 people. The climate is hot in summer and cool in winter. The school is attractive and modern with facilities such as an auditorium, gymnasium, a music/drama suite, computerised library, newly refurbished student support centre, computers and computer pods, brand new science laboratories and technical blocks as well as large sports grounds and a school canteen. Academic Programme We take a holistic approach to learning and strive to support and encourage each student to develop an individual pathway through school. A great variety of subjects is offered with multi-level subject choice, leading to all tertiary education options. We prepare academic and non-academic students to face the future with a variety of skills and confidence. Extracurricular Activities These include music tuition, sports teams and fitness groups amongst many other exciting opportunities. For further information, including our very competitive fee structure, please contact our International Dean, Ms Cheryl Brownlee: Code of Practice Signatory: Courses and Curriculum Extra Curricular programme Debating, music, Outdoor activities and sports, volleyball, basket-ball, net-ball, soccer, rugby, touch rugby, hockey, badminton, tennis, squash, golf, orienteering, cross country, road race, adventuring racing. Student Welfare International students live in a home-stay. This is arranged by the school and we understand the importance of caring for our students. The International Dean, Homestay Manager, and ESOL teacher (English for Speakers of other Languages) ensure that the students needs are met from the time of arrival in Napier until they leave the school. Regular reports are sent to parents ad agents giving details of progress of their child. English Language Support The ESOL Department is well resourced. Our qualified ESOL teachers will assess the students on arrival and orientate them into the school's main stream programmes. We have a policy of providing on going support , guidance and assistance. Enrolment Details Years of Entry for International Students: Years 9-13 (Forms 3-7) Religion: All accepted Student Roll: 300 If you are interested in attending Tamatea High School please Contact:
Cheryl Brownlee,
International Dean
Tamatea High School
P O Box 5005
New Zealand
Fax: 64-6-84401
Cheryl Brownlee,
International Dean
Tamatea High School
P O Box 5005
New Zealand
Fax: 64-6-84401
Website: Request Information: