New Zealand Student Visas
New Zealand Immigration Service (NZIS), is a government authority
responsible for issuing permits and visas to enter New Zealand. Students
are advised to contact the nearest New Zealand Embassy or High
Commission to obtain information on visa regulations.
Please note: With many countries, New Zealand has agreements that
mean a student visa is not normally required for one single course of
study or training of not more than three (3) calendar months' duration.
Standard Requirements:
Complete the 'Application for Student Visa' Form. These are
available at the New Zealand Embassy or High Commission and your
local travel/education agencies. With the 'Application for Student
Visa' you will need to include:
A recent passport-size photograph. -
Payment of a non-refundable visa application fee. -
An 'Offer of Place' from a New Zealand education school or
institution which states that you have been accepted by the
school, the name of the course, the minimum time to complete the
course, whether a course fee is required to be paid or the
student is exempt from the fee (e.g. scholarship students).This 'Offer of Place' will be sent to you by the New Zealand
institution who has confirmed your enrolment. -
Evidence of payment of course tuition fee or evidence of
exemption from fee.Note: Students are no longer required to produce
evidence of payment of course fees before their applications are
approved in principle. -
A guarantee of accommodation. A written assurance from a New
Zealand education institution or other persons that suitable
accommodation is available to you in New Zealand. Most
New Zealand institutions will assist you with accommodation. -
Evidence of sufficient funds to cover your living expenses and
return travel back to your home country. -
You will need to provide medical clearance and character
references ONLY for courses which are longer than 24 months.
Contact the New Zealand Embassy or High Commission for further
information on this.
Students will only be issued with a student visa if they have
enrolled in an approved course at an institution or establishment
which is accredited to offer it. -
If your application for a student visa is approved you will need a
passport which will be valid for 3 months beyond your initial date
of departure from New Zealand.
Student Visa is
endorsement you get in your passport to allow you to travel to New
Zealand. It shows you have permission to travel to New Zealand and may
be granted a Student Permit when you arrive. The visa may be single for
one journey, or multiple for more than one journey.
Student Permit is
endorsement in your passport which allows you to study in New Zealand.
It will state the expiry date of your permit and the conditions of your
permit. The conditions may include:
does not need a Student Permit or Visa to study in New Zealand?
do not need a visa or permit to study in New Zealand if you are:
New Zealand citizen or a New Zealand Resident Permit holder (to re
enter you need a current New Zealand returning resident visa) or -
an Australian citizen or an Australian resident who holds a current
Australian resident return visa or -
one of a group of people who are exempt from the requirement to hold
a permit to be in New Zealand or -
will undertake a course of no more than three months.
needs a Student Visa
will need to apply for a Student Visa if you are outside of New Zealand,
and are coming to New Zealand to study full time for longer than three
months. Your spouse and children may apply for a Visitor's or a Student
However, potential students entering New Zealand from visa-free
countries will be able to apply for a student permit once they have
found an educational institute.
needs a Student Permit
You may apply for a Student Permit if you are a visitor or a worker
in New Zealand and wish to study full time. -
You can also apply for further Student Permits in New Zealand. -
Your spouse and children may apply for a Visitor's or a Student
courses may I study?
Your course of study and educational institution must be approved
for foreign students. The educational institute will advise you if
the institute and the course are approved. If you have any queries
contact the New
Zealand Qualifications Authority(NZQA). -
You must show evidence that you are enrolled in the course and have
paid the course fees for non New Zealand students.
do I have to provide to get a Student Visa or Permit?
Student Visa and Permit requirements are found on the
Application to
Study in New Zealand form, under the heading The Student's Guide.
What if I want to study part time?
you are a visitor or worker in New Zealand and wish to study part time,
you may apply for a Variation of Conditions to allow you to study.
must show evidence that you are enrolled in the course and have paid the
course fees for non New Zealand students, and pay the Variation of
Conditions fee.
a Tertiary student, can I work?
Students undertaking a full-time long-term course of study culminating
in a recognised diploma or degree taking at least two academic years to
complete and students undertaking a full time course of study
culminating in a qualification that would attract points under the
General Skills category of Residence policy may be granted a variation
of conditions to their student permit to allow them to work for no more
than 15 hours per week, provided that:
they request the variation of conditions after beginning such a
course of study, or -
they are applying for a student permit in order to continue such a
course of study.
application form or fee is required for this variation of conditions.
Can I work during the Christmas and New Year holidays?
you have a Student Permit for more than 12 months you may apply for a
Variation of Conditions to your Student Permit to allow you to work over
the Christmas and New Year holidays. No offer of employment is required.
You will need to pay a Variation of Conditions fee (see New Zealand
Immigrations Guide to Fees leaflet)
Can I work after I have completed my studies?
you have completed a polytechnic or university qualification that has a
minimum completion time of 3 years, you may apply for a Work permit
which allows you to work up to a maximum of two years (this does not
apply to holders of Limited Purpose Permits). An offer of employment
relevant to your qualifications is required.
I able to holiday in New Zealand after I have completed my course?
you arrived in New Zealand on a Student Visa and have completed your
course, you may apply for a Visitor's Permit to holiday in New Zealand.
You will need to meet visitor requirements and may be granted a
Visitor's Permit for up to three months.
Need help
with your visa application