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Huddersfield University Business School

Choose a United Kingdom top 5 University for graduate employment and a Business School with a reputation for teaching and learning quality!

Huddersfield is one of the largest towns in the United Kingdom, located in the north of England and with a mix of contemporary cafe culture and strong traditions that offers something for everyone. The town is full of surprising qualities, impressive architecture, quality shopping, top class sport, exciting festivals and artistic reputation.

The University of Huddersfield campus is located in the centre of the town - just a short walk away from public transport links, shopping networks and nightlife. 

About the Business School

Huddersfield University Business School (HUBS)

is a thriving centre of student excellence based upon four departments specialising in Marketing and Management, Business Studies, Law and Accountancy. We offer a wide range of courses from certificate and degree level to professional qualifications and Master's awards.

Our undergraduate degree programmes include:

Accountancy and Finance

Accountancy with Information Systems

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

Advertising and Marketing Communications

Business with Design

Business Administration and Management (1 year 'Top Up')

Business Information Management

Business Management

Business and Media

Business Studies

Business Studies with Environmental Management

Business and Psychology


Entrepreneurship and Business

European Business (1 year 'top up')

Global marketing (1 year 'top up')

International Business

International Marketing

Human Resource Management

Law and Accountancy

Law/Bus Law/Euro Law LLB

Management and Accountancy


Marketing Management

Marketing with Innovation


Retail Management

Sports Promotion and Marketing

Our postgraduate programmes include:

MA accounting & Finance


Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

MSc Electronic Business

MSc Entrepreneurship

Graduate Diploma in Law

MA Health Care Law

Human Resource Management

MA International Business

Legal Practice Course (LPC)

MA Legal Studies


MSc Marketing

MA Sales Management

MSc Social Entrepreneurship

MSc Sustainable Business

Our long history of forging partnerships with the wider business community ensures that students get a real insight into current business practise, keeping our courses cutting edge and relevant. We actively recruit academic staff with business skills and experience that can be fed directly into the teaching programmes.

A warm welcome for international students

The University of Huddersfield warmly welcomes students from over 80 countries each year and has been the academic home to many international students over the last 50 years. Their presence has enriched campus life and helped to create the friendly cosmopolitan atmosphere on which so many of our visitors comment.

At the Business School students will find a wide diversity of students to meet and work with. This opportunity to exchange ideas with people of different nationalities and backgrounds enhances the learning experience for all students. In addition the Business School has strong links with partner institutions in areas such as Singapore, Greece, Kuwait and Jordan. International students can also enrol on the International Foundation Year, a one-year full-time course designed to prepare international students for undergraduate study. The course incorporates core English Language, Culture, and Personal Development modules. In addition, you can choose business as one of four subject areas as an introduction to your future studies.

Jana Fiserova

BA(Hons) European Business

Jana Fiserova arrived at the University of Huddersfield from the Technical University of Liberec in the Czech Republic following a visit by academic staff from the Department of Business Studies. Jana is one of many Czech students to have made the transition onto the BA(Hons) European Business programme which is proving extremely popular with students across Europe.

'I decided to study the course for two main reasons: on the one hand it is related to the business course I used to study in the Czech Republic, and on the other hand I'd love to work in a company operating in the international market and I'm sure that study of European Business will be a good start for my future career. After completing my degree, I intend to continue onto the MA International Business which will deepen my knowledge even more.

My expectations of studies in England were high at the beginning but they have been more than exceeded. It's hard work but I know it's worth it!' 


Trywell Katalya

MSc Entrepreneurship

'Under the 'Experiencing Entrepreneurship' module, I set up Network Zambia Sheffield as a small friendly association of the Zambia Community in Sheffield. The association has since grown from an initial 12 supporters to over 100 supporters. The association secured over £6000 start up grants from various sources in its first year of inception. The framework under which the association was developed is being adopted by other Zambian communities outside Sheffield.

The programme gave an opportunity to understand the world of entrepreneurs, organisational development and strategy development. The course was focused on giving students a practical forum to apply the theory and the lecturers and tutors were very supportive.'


Dedicated to quality in teaching and learning

By choosing the University of Huddersfield you can be guaranteed of a continuing dedication to quality and high standards in our teaching and learning.

The University has achieved the highest scores available in a Government quality review in 2004. The United Kingdom's Quality Assurance Agency, reviewed five academic areas - including Business Studies and Accountancy- as a measure of the overall quality of the University.

The report praises good practice in student induction and support, supervision and personal tutorial arrangements and the continual focus on student needs.

Huddersfield also tops the league for teaching quality over all the 'new universities' in the North of England. For the whole of the United Kingdom Huddersfield gains an impressive second place for quality teaching among the post-1992 universities, the former polytechnics.

It's these factors that contribute to a position for the University of Huddersfield as one of the top 5 universities in the United Kingdom for graduate employment - 93% of our graduates go onto employment or further study within six months.

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+ 44 (0)870 901 5555


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Huddersfield University Business School





+ 44 (0)870 901 5555


Website: /hubs