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Academy of Prague TEFL

Get certified to teach English as a foreign language worldwide with Prague Schools. This TEFL/TESOL course is run in Prague, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Graduates from our course are qualified to teach English anywhere in the world. The Trinity TEFL/TESOL Certificate is one of the most widely recognized certificates worldwide.

No previous teaching experience is required. This 4-week intensive course provides the theory and practice to give TEFL teachers the skills and techniques to teach English abroad. With English being the universal language for travel and international business, the demand for native-English teachers is constantly increasing.

The TEFL/TESOL teacher training certificate is your first step to getting a teaching job anywhere in the world. Prague Schools was the first TEFL/TESOL school in Prague to be independently validated by Trinity College London.

Prague Schools TEFL guarantees a maximum course size of 16 trainees and trainer to trainee ration of ONE to FOUR.


The 4 week, full-time format is demanding but invigorating, and will bring out the best (and sometimes the opposite) in you, but will leave you, if tackled objectively, with a feeling of accomplishment. The course develops a spirit of camaraderie, co-operation and self-reliance.You will watch experienced teachers teach classes of real students, learn to use a range of teaching media, prepare course materials, and discover how foreign students learn to use the language.


Trinity Certification

Along with the Cambridge CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) qualification, the Trinity College Certificate is recognised across the world as a benchmark for excellence in skills obtained for the teaching of English to foreign students with the advantage of including teaching English to children as part of our course. Prague TEFL has earned Trinity validation because we meet strict criteria for excellence demanded by Trinity College London. Furthermore, every course we run is monitored by an independent Trinity moderator. The role of this moderator is to evaluate the quality of the course imparted by us and the quality of the trainees' work. You are given the opportunity to express your opinion on our course to the moderator, thereby ensuring that our standards are consistently maintained to the highest possible level.

The three main advantages of choosing a Trinity Cert. TESOL course are:

  • A consistently high level of quality control
  • The Trinity Cert.TESOL is recognised internationally by employers ensuring you have a competitive edge in the market
  • Trinity Cert.TESOL could mean higher starting salaries

Academy of Prague TEFL

Trinity's TESOL qualifications

Trinity offers a range of well-established qualifications from initial to advanced level for prospective and practising teachers who speak English as a first, second or foreign language. They use the acronym TESOL to indicate the teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Similarly, they use ESOL to indicate simply English for Speakers of Other Languages.

Status of Trinity qualifications

The Trinity Certificate and Diploma are accepted by the British Council as an initial and a full TESOL qualification for teachers in schools and colleges accredited under the British Council's Accreditation in Britain Scheme, as well as in the Council's own teaching operations outside the United Kingdom. In addition, many other employers in the United Kingdom and worldwide accept the Certificate and Diploma as evidence of a teacher's training and demonstrated skills. Of course, employers will set other criteria when selecting a teacher for their own school or college.

The Trinity Certificate and Diploma are also approved by the British Association of TESOL Qualifying Institutions (BATQI) as respectively an initial and a full teaching qualification in ESOL. In addition, Trinity is working with the British Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) towards approval of all its qualifications for state support including the Trinity Certificate and Diploma TESOL.

Certificate in TESOL (Cert.TESOL)

The CertTESOL is the first level of qualification you can take in TESOL. Trinity validates or approves over 110 training institutions-or course providers-in all sectors, private and state, in the United Kingdom and overseas, to run these courses. Courses last for at least 130 hours and may be four weeks full-time (the shortest length) or anything up to a year part-time.

Trainees have to complete the whole course, including various written assignments and a minimum of six of hours teaching practice-i.e. proper teaching with real students. They have to pass all key components of the course to obtain the certificate.

Not everyone who wants to do the course can be accepted. There are entry criteria set individually by each course provider. They relate to age, educational qualifications, language skills and suitability for teaching. All course providers hold selection interviews.


All trainees must be over 18 years old and have the necessary qualifications for entry into higher education. In order to be offered a place on the course, trainees have to complete a pre-selection task and then participate in a twenty-minute interview where the task will be discussed. This can take place in person or over the phone.

Becoming an English Teacher

What you need

  • Either 2 A - Levels or equivalent, and a good level of written and spoken English coupled with a desire to teach.
  • The determination to see through a comprehensive and rewarding 4 weeks of revelations about how teachers teach and learners learn.
  • A willingness to acquire a taste for the insights and experiences which exist in the English teaching world.


The course comprises of over 120 hours of input, and 10 hours of teaching (6 hours group, 3 hours 1-2-1 and 1 hour peer) over four weeks. Trainees are expected to complete three written assignments: Unknown Natural Language Journal; Learner Profile Assignment; Material Analysis Assignment; furthermore trainees take one examination (language awareness) and are also expected to keep their notes and materials in good order.


The course can be divided into two main areas, classroom skills and language systems.

In the classroom skills sessions, trainees are introduced to the history of language teaching, motivational factors, teaching monolingual and multilingual classes, the basics of classroom management and how to set up different types of lessons. Trainees are also asked to analyse and evaluate material and are shown useful techniques such as language games, music and song, and video.

During the language skills sessions students are given a thorough introduction to the sound system and phonology of English, and a basic overview of the vocabulary and grammar structures in the English language. Trainees are also expected to present a language point to their peers.


In order to pass the course, trainees must produce satisfactory work in all components. Trainees are continually assessed on their teaching practice performance, upon which the bulk of the grade is based. As well of this there are three written assignments, and a language awareness examination.


What you will be able to do with your Trinity Cert.TESOL.

The Trinity Cert.TESOL is one of only two recognised certification courses across the world, and is considered a benchmark for excellence in skills obtained for the teaching of English to foreign students, and our qualification also covers teaching English to children, currently a high growth area in EFL.

The critical factor in all TEFL qualifications is that you should obtain a good grade.



Application procedure

  1. Complete the Background Information Form & Complete the Selection Task
  2. After interview we will send confirmation of acceptance, if successful

How to enrol

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Academy of Prague TEFL

Prague, Prague Schools providing tefl certification here


Evropska 35

Praha 6 160 00

Tel.: +420 2 333 227 42

Fax: +420 2 333 237 79


Web Sites:

 Prague TEFL

TEFL Certification  in Prague

TEFL Tutor

on-line application


Academy of Prague TEFL

Training lesson, TEFL Certification

Academy of Prague TEFL

Trainees doing the exam