School |
Address |
Telephone |
Features |
ACG Schools
Auckland |
09 307 5399 |
Adventure Education
Tauranga |
7 571 4350 |
Auckland International College |
Auckland |
64-9-309 4480 |
AIS St Helens College |
Western Springs, Auckland |
1717 |
Aidanfield Christian School |
Christchurch, Halswell |
03 3388153 |
Institute of Applied Learning |
Auckland |
2763554 |
Aspect International Language
Academies |
Christchurch |
+64 3 3795452 |
ASPIRE New Zealand |
Auckland |
+64 7
868-3300 |
Auckland Girls' Grammar School |
Auckland |
64-9-307-4180 |
Auckland International College |
Auckland |
64-9-309 4480 |
AUT International House |
Auckland |
64 9 917 9630 |
Avonmore Tertiary Academy |
Christchurch |
64 3 389 5357 |
Avonside Girls' High School |
Christchurch |
03 389 7199 |
Bethlehem Institute |
Tauranga |
+64 7 579 1702 |
Cambridge High School |
Cambridge |
+64 7 827 5415 |
Cashmere High School |
Christchurch |
3 332 9129 |
University of Canterbury |
Canterbury |
+64 3 364 2459 |
Central Hawke’s Bay College |
Waipukurau |
+64 6-858 9203 |
Christchurch College of Education |
Christchurch |
(64) (3) 348 2059 |
Columba College |
Dunedin |
+64 3 467 5188 |
Dannevirke High School |
Dannevirke |
06 3748915 |
Dominion English Schools |
Auckland |
(+64 9)377 3280 |
Eastern Institute of Technology |
Napier |
64-6-974-8902 |
Elm Park School |
Auckland, Pakuranga Heights |
09 5770070 |
Fern English Academy |
Auckland |
+64 9 377 8017 |
Geraldine High School |
Geraldine |
03 6938208 |
Glendowie College |
Auckland, Glendowie |
09 5757374 |
Hagley Community College |
Christchurch |
(64 3) 379 3090 |
Halswell School |
Christchurch, Halswell |
03 3227038 |
Hartford Institute |
Auckland |
+649 366 3281 |
Heretaunga School |
Upper Hutt |
64- 4- 939-9370 |
Hutt Valley High School |
Lower Hutt |
+64 4 566 4584 |
International Pacific
College |
Palmerston North |
+64 (0)6-354-0922 |
International Travel
College |
Auckland |
+64 09 373 5510 |
John McGlashan College |
Dunedin |
+64 3 467 6620 |
Kaipara College |
+64 9 420 8640 |
Kavanagh College |
Dunedin |
64 3 477-3408 |
Kelston Girls College |
Auckland |
+64 9 827 6063 |
Kerikeri High School |
Kerikeri |
+64 9 4070163 |
Kingsway School |
Orewa |
09 4270900 |
Kinohaku School |
Taharoa |
07 8767550 |
Kristin School |
Auckland, Albany |
09 4159566 |
Kuranui College |
Greytown |
+64 06 3049116 |
Kyrewood Horse Racing Education |
Palmerston North |
6 355 9148 |
Lincoln High School |
Canterbury |
+64 3 325 2121 |
Linwood College |
Christchurch |
+64 3 982 0100 |
Macleans College |
Auckland |
64-9-535 2620 |
Mairehau School |
Christchurch |
03 3853796 |
Manurewa High School |
Manurewa |
+64 9 268 3888 |
Marlborough Girls' College |
Marlborough |
+64 3 578 4031 |
Merrin School |
Christchurch |
+64 3 358 8369 |
Rodney College |
Wellsford |
09 423 6030 |
Rotorua Boys' High School |
Rotorua |
07 3486169 |
Spotswood College |
New Plymouth |
0064 6 753 4948 |
St. Andrew's College |
Christchurch |
+64 3 940 2000 |
St. Dominic's College |
Auckland |
+64 9 839 0380 |
St. Hilda's Collegiate School |
Dunedin |
+64 3 477 0989 |
St John's Boys' College |
(07) 856 7091 |
St Mark's Church School |
Wellington |
04.385.9489 |
Tai Poutini Polytechnic |
Tai Poutini |
00 64 4 3 768
0411 |
Takapuna Grammar School |
Auckland, Takapuna |
09 4894167 |
Tamatea High School |
Napier, Greenmeadows |
06 8446600 |
Tauranga Girls' College |
Tauranga |
64 (0) 7 5788114 |
Tauranga Intermediate School |
Tauranga |
+64 7 578
4401 |
Wānanga-o-Raukawa |
Aotearoa |
+64 6 364 7820 |
Tokomairiro High School |
Milton |
03 4178620 |
Uper Hutt College |
Upper Hutt |
64 4 5278 749 |
Waiariki Institute of
Technology |
Rotorua |
0800 Waiariki (924 274) |
Wakatipu High School |
Queenstown |
03 4427370 |
Wanganui School |
Whanganui |
06 3490178 |
Wellington Institute of Technology |
Christchurch |
3-365-8001 |
Wellpark College |
Auckland |
9) 360-0560 |
Wellington Institute of Technology |
Auckland |
WelTec (935 832) |
Westlake Boys High School |
Auckland, Takapuna |
09 4108667 |
Westland High School |
Hokitika |
03 7556169 |
Whakatane High School |
Whakatane |
07 3088251 |
Whangarei Boys' High School |
Whangarei |
09 4304170 |
Whangarei Girls' High School |
Whangarei, Regent |
09 4304460 |
Waikato Institute of Technology |
+64-7-838-4439 |
Whitireia Community Polytechnic |
Whitireia |
+64 4 237 3100 |
Whitireia Polytechnic |
Whitireia |
+64 4 237 3100 |
Wilkinson's English Language School |
Christchurch |
3-365-8003 |
Youth for Christ Urban Mission Studies |
Aotearoa |
(04) 9028547 |
Got 2 get a job Course |
Wellington |
04 385 4097 |